RBC sponsors TIFF - as not everyone has an uncle in the business.

The latest from BBDO Toronto is this campaign for For RBC’s sponsorship of TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival). In the three spots, 2Helicopter", "Boom", and "Screening", Untitled Films director Mark Gilbert helps paint the picture of how handy having an "uncle in the biz" can be for young filmmakers. Unfortunately, not everyone has such an uncle.

"One word: Boom!"

"I need it back tonight"

"Open your wallets people."src="adland.tv/bctiff-boom-2011-30-canada&viral.onpause=true&viral.oncomplete=true&viral.functions=embed,link" />
RBC/TIFF - "Boom" - (2011) :30 (Canada)

"One word: Boom!"

"I need it back tonight"

"Open your wallets people."

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