Pampers - Mom's first birthday - (2014) 3:50 (Japan)

Sorry folks, this isn't subtitled but you'll understand what's going on thanks to my Japanese translation. The mothers shown in this ad are all taking their babies for the first year checkup, making smalltalk with the doctors, meanwhile in the hallway the fathers are arranging an art gallery celebrating one year of mom moments. The mothers say things like "I haven't slept in a year." and are hard on themselves for babies having reactions to vaccines.
But babies first birthday is also moms first birthday. The year mothers have faced the most trying year of their life. Pampers wants you to go to Mom's first birthday and send her a card.

As the fathers hang the art they talk about their wives, the photos and objects they set up carry notes to express how they feel.
"She alway put our child first" "She only eats the cheaper sushi. It's special when we go out as a family, chose the expensive stuff!"

"I almost cried when you first said "hello" to our son" "You were in such pain. But acted so strong."

"Thank you for deciding to do this."

And so, outside, the fathers greets the mothers with cake, celebrating that they're made it through the hardest year of their lives. Oh Pampers, you need to branch out into kleenex.

Client: Pampers

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