NFL "One team" (2016) 1:20 (USA)

The Star-Spangled Banner electrified version played by St. Vincent wafts its over the scene of grounds crew creating stencils out of spray paint on astroturf. But instead of marking each team by name, (i.e. Pittsburgh Steelers, Seattle Seahawks) it all says the same thing despite the logo: Team USA. Why? Because it's the Summer Olympics. Nice way to co-opt the Olympics-- a brand that is known for being really persnickety when it comes to other brands who aren't official sponsors.

Creative Agency: Grey NY
Chief Creative Officer: Andreas Dahlqvist
Executive Creative Directors: Leo Savage and Jeff Stamp
Group Creative Director: Joe Mongognia
Creative Director/Copywriter: Evan Benedetto
Creative Director/Art Director: Mike Cicale
SVP, Account Director: Alan Perlman
Senior Account Executive: Lucy Hallowell
Production: NFL Films
Directors: Rob Gehring, Bob Angelo, Shannon Furman, Brian Rosenfeld and Samantha Kordelski
Line Producer: Liz Leafey
Production Coordinator: Jeff Stupak
Camera: Andre Labous, Kevin Simkins, Dave Sharples, Steve Skinner
Executive Production: Townhouse
Executive Producer: Alison Horn
VP, Producer: Bruce McDonald
Assistant Producer: Alex Litke
VP, Music Producer: Zach Pollakoff
Editorial: Final Cut
Editors: Ashley Kreamer and Chris Rizzo
Original Rendition of “The Star-Spangled Banner” performed by St. Vincent

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