Lost wallet is ad for movie.

We've seen the "lost wallet" ad before, not to mention the dropped passports, but here's a new twist from Miami advertising in Gothenburg.

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Before the premiere of the movie "Du och Jag" (You and I) prepped wallets were promptly lost in Stocholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Lund. The wallets appeared to belong to Niklas Andersson, lead actor in the film, they had free tickets to the opening night of the movie and there was contact numbers to Maja Håvendal, the lead actress in the film in the wallet.

"As soon as the wallets were out people began texting or calling "Maja" to let her know that they had found Martin's wallet" said Martin Jern, one of the directors of the film. "Det är också många som har skickat mail till mejlamaja@hotmail.com."

Wonder if anyone just took the tickets and went to the movie instead of trying to find the owner of the wallet.

Miami advertising

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