IKEA - Introducing IKEA EMOTICONS - (2015) 2:00 (The Netherlands)

Ikea wants to help you solve your household communications and have marital/family bliss, with Ikea Emoticons. Because emoji's are the new black, along with goats.

Yes, they did make an Android and iPhone app for this campaign. The two minute web clip has our thick Swedish accent host explain why such an app is needed, and how a svädisch meetbåll emoticon can keep peace in your house. Of course, if this amuses you, you'll start writing silly messages with this emoticon app to send to all of your friends... And if you don't notice you're now sending MMS messages to everyone. MMS message can cost you extra on some providers, so pay attention, kids.

Ad Agency: Lemz, Amsterdam
Client: Ikea.nl

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