Citröen "Inspired by you" (2016) 50 (France)

You'll spend more than four years in a car doing well--stuff. So make sure it's the car you want to be spending the time in, which should be easy as Citröen is inspired by you. Man, we do spend a lot of time in our cars, don't we. Especially where I am in L.A.

Brand Film:
Chief Creative Officer: Xavier Beauregard
Creative Directors: Mickael Jeanne - Alexandre Drouillard

Short Films:
Chief Creative Officer: Xavier Beauregard
Creative Directors: Hadi Hassan-Helou
Art Director: Jordan Molina - Aurélien Bigot - Emma Rousseau
Copywriter: Ludovic Miege - Julie Moreno
Head of TV: Christopher Thiery
TV Producer: Sarah Bouadjera
Music Supervisor: Lionel Dray

Sound and Business Affairs: HRCLS
Supervisor SFX: Yann Dubois

Realisator: Brian Aldrich
Productor: Leslie Dupuis-Mendel

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