Chicken Ramen “Akuma No Kimura” 「アクマのキムラー 篇」(2018) :30 (Japan)

It doesn't matter if you don't understand Japanese, you will still know that this is the most metal ad, ever. It asks the deep questions while attempting to make your eardrums bleed. If the perfect creator made the world, why is there evil or greed in this world? It all begins so innocently, with the little chick Hiyoko-Chan making ramen, and offering it to the statue “Akuma no Kimura,” but somehow conjuring up a demon of sorts. The phrase "immediately delicious, very delicious." Is repeated again and again. This mantra becomes meaningless, it's now a spell that only appeals to the subconscious. Then "It is delicious immediately, very delicious."  until that is replaced with "hellishly delicious", and off we go into the underworld. The best part of this rocking ad, is the agency synopsis. They never break character.  

Nisshin is trying to add forbidden mysteries to the founding product and, eventually, the chicken ramen that can also be the creator of the corporate body. Are we going to transform a part of food culture from the bottom?

What's the concept, you ask? You'd think after this symbol-filled (and did I mention loud?) ad it's all about light going into darkness, and then darkness becomes light. This, you see, is all about flavour.

Ad agency: Dentsu Inc. (Tokyo, Japan)

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