Bioware - Mass Effect Andromeda E3 trailer - (2015) 2:00 (USA)

This was created as an opener for EA's presentation at E3 - which is a bit like Cannes but for games a.k.a Really Big Deal™. It's both a teaser and a hype-starter, giving small glimpse of what is to come in the new Mass Effect Andromeda but without revealing too much just yet. Juxtaposing good ol' Johnny Cash "Ghost Riders in the Sky" with images of different landscapes - one being your stereotypical Arizona style desert complete with tall desert rocks - it can for the briefest of moments lull you into thinking this is about some western game. But then another landscape shows flying amoebas, and yet another looks like a volcano with lava pimples, so our hero Commander Shepard loads their gun and struts off into the desert like a lonesome cowboy. So far, the jarring mismatch between music and visuals has been a treat, intended to sucker people at E3 in and wonder what this is all about - but now we switch over to the usual game shows off its stuff, its enemies, its new moves and weapons in a crescendo edit set to game sounds and extra loud explosions. Both creatively familiar and badass at the same time. Pleasing the core, and piquing the interest of scrubs.

Client: Bioware / Electronic Arts

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