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Thanks to Zeldman I find this bizarre review of a book about a duck named ping (scroll down for the brilliant Unix-bullshit). Curiosity gets the better of me...

.. And I follow the link to who wrote this, He calls himself John E. Fracisco and his "photo" is of Curry ... I can't help but wonder, did I just fall for an ad? Is John a real person with a sense of humor, or is John a bunch of people, paid to be John and countless other personalities on the web, who when needed, will point their net friends and fans towards some clever viral marketing scheme..... Seriously guys, how long will it take before what I just described will be an actual job - if it isn't already? It is, isn't it? Damn, for all I know I might be selling me something right now!
*stabs own eyes out*
There. Better.

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